Edible Geology

Have the kids create each of these treats and then discuss what type of rock they represent.

Mystery Recipe #1
Combine 1 cup powdered sugar, 1 cup peanut butter, 1 cup chocolate chips, 1/2 cup powdered milk, 3 Tablespoons of water in a large bowl. Mix well, shape into 1″ balls and roll in 1/2 cup graham cracker crumbs. Chill 20 minutes.

Alternate recipe, combine 1 cup powdered sugar, 1/2 cup peanut butter, 1/3 cup chocolate chips, then fold in 1/2 cup rice krispies, adding more peanut butter if texture is too dry. Mix well, shape into balls, roll in crumbs.

Mystery Recipe #2
Grease a 9×13 pan and pour in 1/2 cup melted butter and 1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs. Pour one can sweetened condensed milk over crust then top with 1 cup chocolate chips, 1 1/3 cup coconut, 1 cup diced nuts. Press down firmly and bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes.

Mystery Recipe #3
Grease a cookie sheet. Melt equal parts of almond bark and chocolate chips in separate bowls. Pour one at a time onto cookie sheet and swirl. Cool, then break into pieces.

Doctor J!

From Amazon, a real stethoscope in ORANGE for him to listen better to our hearts and bellies. (He loves listening to our hearts!)

Our little doctor was assessed today for speech services and qualified. We don’t know the final scores yet but by the end of the testing they were asking him questions for a seven year old (and he was answering some of them correctly) which was very funny to hear. His receptive language skills are fantastic, it’s his articulation that is currently needing a boost.

Hamster Science

I really did NOT think we would be up to handling a pet for many years, if ever. Six kids was keeping me busy, but when I saw J holding the pet hamster at our friends’ home I was smitten, seeing how smitten he was! And he was so gentle and kind. The older two decided to pool their saved allowance and they purchased the hamster, cage, and supplies. They are overly diligent about keeping this hamster fed, with clean water, and clean. 🙂 They make sure every day the hamster gets exercise in his ball and they are all in love.

Before allowing the purchase our oldest two had done a great deal of reading and research through library books and online about hamsters. (The employee at the pet store was impressed!) Part of the deal of owning it was our oldest had to write an essay about hamsters and their care and he did a great job. He wrote it out by hand then I typed it up for him for his blog.

It’s been a very fun (and low stress for me) life lesson and science lesson.