Woodworker Girl

For Activity Days the girls made hanging boards for their closets. After several nights away due to doula work Mo was asking for some Mom time, so I went with her to the activity. It was fun to see her working so hard and trying out power tools!

I’m thankful for programs like this that let the kids learn new skills from other adults in their lives, too. Mo’s really enjoying being part of this group.



We did an overview from one of the art history books about composition, color, lighting, etc. Then I told them if they drew out a picture I would let them paint it in and that’s what I got from B. 🙂

Mo’s Art

Indigo AND violet, she mixed her own violet because she said that’s what a real rainbow has:


A tall picture, she said:


My eight year old told me this was her Jackson Pollack piece:


Hot air balloon house, inspired by Up:


Activity Board

This is the one we got:

But there’s a less expensive one here.

It’s such a simple concept but for some reason it’s fantastic! I don’t care about the sheets that it has with it (though the kids love the games) but this is perfect for putting your own worksheet pages inside. We use Saxon math and we’ve put the worksheet pages in page protectors for the kids to use dry erase markers on (letting us use them over and over.) But the page protectors get wrinkle and crumble and can be hard to erase and the kids still need to carrying around a book or some hard writing service. This Crayola board has the marker containers, a mini eraser, and a hard plastic surface to write on. You slide the pages into the side and it’s a self contained desk! I really, really love it. B’s vision case worker ordered one for him but I’m thinking we may need another because we use it constantly. All of the kids are arguing over turns and I love that I can slide in their pages and hand it to them or have it prepped for their lesson the next day. I really think we need another one. 🙂

It’s also handy for me when I’m teaching them a concept and need something quick and portable to write or sketch on… it’s convenient all around. Good also for travel fun, and the markers are low fume.