A Thomas Jefferson Education

I’m re-reading this, some quotes I like:

“Is the education our children are receiving on par with their potential?”

“The fact is that the only person who can fix education is the student.”

“Teaching, not education, should be our focus, because great teaching inspires students to educate themselves… students are the only true educators… education occurs when students get excited about learning and apply themselves; students do this when they experience great teachers.”

“Without great teaching, through mentors and the classics, the most that schools can offer is socialization, which they often defend as though it were the primary objective of learning.”

“What happens when a society does not prepare leaders? We get managers and professionals leading in areas they have no training for, such as government, and we get a nation of followers who see no problem with that because they have no experience with anything else.”

“The highest level of socialization, the ideal, means the ability to effectively work with people of all backgrounds, stations, and positions, of really caring about them and being able to maintain long term, nurturing relationships.”

“1. Smile throughout. 2. Shower advice. 3. Warn. 4. Encourage. 5. Praise. 6. And most importantly, set the example.”

“There are classics in every field. Name a field – it has classics, works worth studying over and over which provide glaring insight into human nature. Even in the most modern or technical fields there are classics.”

“While the students are getting off the conveyor belt, let them go through the needed transition. They don’t really believe you want them to think. You must prove it to them, and this takes patience.”

Harvard Skills
1. The ability to define problems without a guide.
2. The ability to ask hard questions which challenge prevailing assumptions.
3. The ability to quickly assimilate needed data from masses of irrelevant information.
4. The ability to work in teams without guidance.
5. The ability to work absolutely alone.
6. The ability to persuade others that your course is the right one.
7. The ability to conceptualize and reorganize information into new patterns.
8. The ability to discuss ideas with an eye toward application.
9 & 10. The ability to think inductively, deductively, and dialectically.

Wythe Skills
– understand human nature and lead accordingly
– identify needed traits & turn them into habits
– establish, maintain, improve lasting relationships
– keep life in proper balance
– discern truth and error, independent of source or delivery
– discern true from right
– ability and discipline to do right
– constant improvement

Virtue, wisdom, diplomacy, courage, the ability to inspire greatness in others, the ability to move the cause of liberty.

– Oliver Van DeMille

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