Our Universe By Ben

Our Universe by Ben

“Our Universe by Ben
The Sun is a very hot star, but the others are not like Mars.”

He’s really talking about our Solar System, but we all know what he means. So impressed that he used his finger spacing this time.

Facts Master

When I was a kid in elementary school, my mom (she taught at the school) helped come up with this school-wide math program they called Facts Master. You’d get a 10×10 grid of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, and you’d fill in the answers at the intersections as quickly as you could. Entire grades would compete against each other. The class that performed the best received an ice cream party at the end of the semester, so the stakes were pretty high.

Recently, C was finding math boring. Especially his multiplication tables memorization. So I plumbed into the depths of my mind to remember this Facts Master idea. Turns out this is exactly the sort of thing that C needed to re-energize him. He loves getting timed when he races through his math grid while we track his time and accuracy. He’s getting better in a race against himself.

Here’s a pdf of three different multiplication grids if you’d like to try it out.

Ben Sings the States Song

States Song, by B. And a funny look from J. B sort of goes freestyle there at the end. After Iowa it kind of goes downhill. : ]