Usborne Activity Cards

My sister told me about the Usborne Activity Cards and we though those looked fun for our road trip to Kansas. We ended up not getting them in time and set them aside for our new baby gift bag (which also has some Scholastic storytime DVDs, various books, things to keep kids entertained while I nurse) and this are a huge, HUGE hit. HUGE hit, with everyone from the 2 year old (if I’m feeling brave enough to hand him a dry erase marker) up through the artistic 7 year old. I don’t think C has checked them out yet but I think he would still like them. There are 50 cards, laminated and double sided and each has an activity – an empty ice cream dish that says draw a sundae, a maze or puzzle, word searches, drawing prompts. It came with a dry erase marker that was dead on arrival but we had a colored package of dry erase markers from Grandma’s dollar store in Kansas so we were set already.

Seriously, the kids adore these. I told E she couldn’t play with the iPad today so she scaled the dresser and snatched her cards as the next best thing. There are enough cards to keep it new and to share and E needs help with reading the directions but that’s because she’s obsessed with reading – I think the cards are mostly self explanatory even for a pre-reader.

I’m thinking we’ll check out the other sets as well because these are such a hit and would be great for keeping little ones busy while doing lessons with the older kids. This is something that in theory you could make up a bunch of your own cards and laminate and do it yourself but I think for this many cards & this many creative ideas you couldn’t beat this for the time and price it would cost to try and make and laminate these yourself. More than worth the $10. Love them.

One thought on “Usborne Activity Cards

  1. What a glowing recommendation from a trusted source 🙂 I’m adding these to my “wish list” so I can remember for Christmas and birthday gift ideas. It’s so funny how my wish list is mostly things I want to buy for other people. I guess that’s what happens when you are the mom.

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