Shakespeare & Saxon

– We’re reading The Tempest (Lamb version, the kids’ version that does include quotes from actual play) and I had to step out to grab the baby and came back in to hear Christopher explaining what was happening to Moira and them both asking me to keep reading. Now they are discussing other stories of brothers betraying each other. C said “The Lion King” and I said that’s like another Shakespeare play and he said, “Hamlington! No, Hamlet!” I was actually thinking of Joseph in the Bible but Hamlet’s another good connection. 🙂


– We’ve discovered that C enjoys his math much, much more if we do it with him and let him answer some problems aloud. A lesson, several practice problems and 30 math problems is a lot for an 8 year old, especially when it’s a pretty intensive Saxon 54 text. But if I do it with him then we both enjoy it, it’s faster, I can see right away where he’s not getting the concept and needs help. The only trick is finding some time without a million distractions from other kids but we’re working on that. We’ll figure this out!

– We were able to get language, math and spelling (and some piano) work all done before Kit was back from speech therapy with Bennett at 10am. What a difference! The kids have the rest of the day to play and we’re all in a better mood. It’s when things get dragged out forever that everyone is frustrated and cranky. Knock it out fast and then enjoy the autumn weather. I keep pointing out to them how much nicer it is this way, I think they get my point. 🙂

– Napping through The Tempest:


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