New Co-op Option

We considered joining a newly formed co-op for this fall but they began their semester the week we had Joseph. Realizing the time frame, I knew I would not be up for participating so we passed. Last night I ran into one of the co-op founders and we chatted and I’m thinking we may go ahead and join the co-op mid-year, with their approval. It’s based on the classical approach of education and uses the same history program we are using (Story of the World.) We’re on a different year than them so this year we would leave the day early and skip history, then do the book over the summer and catch up with them next fall for history. Christopher would be in their 1st/2nd grade class, Mo in their kindergarden, Bennett and Emy in their preschool class and Joseph with me helping in preschool or nursery. The kids would get spanish, music, science and fine art (to include public speaking) along with PE. So a lot of classes in the day! We would all have lunch together, too.

I’m excited because I think Emy and Bennett are both ready to try a more structured learning time, similar to nursery. Christopher had a year of preschool with Miss Amy and Moira had two years of APPLES, a speech-therapy preschool program. Both were just one day a week but it gave them some “school” time with another teacher and friends, circle time, group learning, etc. I want Bennett to have that chance this year and Emy wants to do whatever he does. They both are loving nursery at church so a Monday co-op day would be fun for them, I think.

We won’t buy it yet but the spanish class uses Rosetta Stone and we will pick that up at some point. They’ll do chemistry this year and physical science next year. I’m happy to think I’ll have the resource of other teachers to cover these enrichment classes. We’ll still cover language and mathematics at home but for things like public speaking they obviously need a public – this class gives them the group needed for those type of activities. There will also be field trips and holiday parties. We know several of these families already from another group we’re in and several of them are in our stake. The group isn’t one specific religious group, they are diverse but many are members of our church. They meet at another church that’s just down the street from our home.

Plus, I’m excited to think that I even feel up for this possibility. It means I’m getting the hang of five kids!!

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